Printable Indoor & Outdoor Easter Egg Hunt Clues for Kids
Easter Sunday is one of the most anticipated days of the year for kids everywhere, the day of the annual Easter Egg Hunt!
It’s fun for everyone involved, from the adults hiding the eggs, the spectators, and of course the hunters! The reward of chocolate is really all kids need to get them excited, but how about levelling up your hunt this year by adding in some tricky clues? It'll keep them busy for ages, get them thinking, and they might even work together as a team (well, one can hope!). You can do your hunt indoors, outdoors, or both, and make or adapt your clues to suit children of any age.
Here are some fun Easter egg hunt clues for your Easter scavenger hunt this year. Download your printable copy to use this with the kids (and save on ink).
Outdoor Easter Egg Treasure Hunt Clues for Kids
“Look for me outside, not too far away, where the postman comes to bring mail each day” - Answer: The Letterbox
“Look high and low, far and wide, I'll be where garden tools and seeds reside” - Answer: The Garden Shed
“Coiled up tight, I wait for you, long and green that water passes through” - Answer: The Hose
“Plants need a home where they can thrive, I'm under the container where they grow and survive” - Answer: Under a Flowerpot
“Cooking outside is the way to go, find me where the grill sizzles and glows” - Answer: The BBQ
“In the garden, tall and grand, find me where branches stretch above the land” - Answer: Under a Tree
“It's not a rug, but sort of the same, find me laying near a door frame” - Answer: The Doormat
“The inside is stinky, so it comes with a lid, if you don't mind the smell, you'll find where I'm hid” - The Compost or Rubbish Bin
“To find your next clue, you'll have to roam, To the place where you sit when you're not at home. Parked outside, look for me where you take a ride.” - Answer: Car
“Open and close, that's my style, I'm under a barrier that's quite versatile.” - Answer: Gate
“Where the sun meets the soil and the rain meets the seed, I'm in the place where the vegetables grow and feed.” - Answer: Vegetable Garden
“I'm in a spot where birds can splash and drink, I may be a lot closer than you think!” - Answer: Bird Bath
"I bring cartoons and movies to you. I have a screen and buttons too" - Answer: TV
“Where water falls but rain doesn't pour, the clue's hiding, so explore" - Answer: Shower or bathtub
“Fluffy and soft, I hold your head, find me where you go to bed" - Answer: Pillow
"In the kitchen, I go beep, warming food while you sleep" - Answer: Microwave.
"Not quite a door but opens wide, find me where snacks hide inside" - Answer: Pantry.
"Pictures here, pictures there, find your clue without a care" - Answer: Near a photo frame
“I keep things cold but am not ice, inside me, treats are always nice. Search where you go for a cold snack, your next clue is hidden in the back” - Answer: Fridge
“Where you put your dirty clothes, find your clue under your nose" Answer: Laundry basket
"You wear me on your feet, I'm not a sock, but I'm just as neat" - Answer: Shoes (in a shoe rack or closet)
“I’m where you go at the end of the day, under me is where your clue will lay" Answer: Bed.
We hope your Easter egg treasure hunt this year is the best yet, even if Easter bunny takes all the credit! Happy hunting, happy chocolate eating, happy long weekend spent with family, and of course a very happy Easter.
Don't forget about the adults in your life!
Shop our range of Easter gift boxes to get in on the fun. Our selection of stylish Easter gift hampers come packed with scrumptious NZ made artisan treats including chocolate, cookies wine, and other sweet snacks.