Engraving your gift with Giftbox Boutique
Engraving offers a timeless touch to personalise your gift, turning simple homewares items into cherished keepsakes. Whether it's a logo, name, date, or special message, engraving allows for a unique and thoughtful expression.

Creating your engraving design
We are able to accept custom designs, so please speak to our team if you have concerns about your design before your purchase.
For those who may not have access to a design software, we’ve created a Canva template. Canva is a free software so is accessible to anyone wishing to create a design for their loved one or client. Their free plan gives you access to a range of fonts. With a paid plan, users are able to use their own fonts. We recommend choosing thicker fonts when possible so that they are easily legible.
Image Recommendations
When purchasing your serving board as a single item or through any gift box with a serving board included, choose “Yes please” for engraving to view the upload button.
We recommend keeping your image to a ratio of 2:1 as the engraving looks best on one grain of wood.
We cannot engrave photographs, but we can engrave logos as they typically use simpler designs with distinct lines and shapes, making them more resilient to wear and tear.
When uploading your file, please make sure it is a .png file with a transparent background.